Thank you for visiting our website. We are honored that you have stopped by to visit. We hope by being here you will find encouragement and understanding not only regarding who we are as a church but also in your pursuit of knowing God. We are a church that exist to make disciples who Know, Love and Obey the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, if you are searching for a place or some resources that can help you become introduced to or better acquainted with the Lord Jesus Christ we hope this website and our church will be of help to you. Our desire is that through worship, the message, and the friendliness of our congregation you will feel the nudge of God’s Spirit drawing you even closer to God.
Cathedral of Higher Praise is comprised of people from many different backgrounds, with all kinds of interest, talents and abilities, but with one thing in common. Gratitude for our salvation in Jesus Christ and a growing faith in the difference He makes in our lives. We are not perfect people. We have our struggles, but we have discovered that a relationship with God through Jesus Christ is our greatest source of Peace, Hope and Strength in the midst of Life’s challenges and struggles.
I hope you realize that you have an open invitation to become part of us as we work together to know God in a personal way and enjoy all that He has in store for us.
This website is a portal to give you a glimpse of our beliefs, ministries and activities that take place at Cathedral of Higher Praise C.O.G.O.P. and perhaps it will answer some of your questions that naturally come to mind when one is interested in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ and participation in a local church.
We are experiencing God’s Spirit working in our midst at Cathedral of Higher Praise C.O.G.O.P. and are being blessed by his visitation.
We hope you will visit ofter, either by website or in person, preferable both. Please let us know if we can help you in any way. It is our desire and hope to be a blessing to Greater New Haven and the Fair Haven Community.
May God Bless You,